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We're back to Wednesdays now at

St Matts Church Hall, 

Clifton Road, Newtown, Exeter, EX1 2LJ ...


 ..... so do come and find us

check the events page to see what's on.

Location of St Matts Church Hall

Karen peacetender 3.jpg

ring/text Laurence
0771 363 7294

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Karen Dudley, Laurence Yeoman

If something isn't right for you at barefoot dance you could contact one of our

Community Mediators



"The next Buddha will not take the form of a person. The next Buddha will rather take the shape of a community, a community that practices understanding and loving kindness, a community that practices a way of conscious living. This may be the most important thing for Earth's survival." -- Thich Nhat Hanh

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